Saturday Surfing, March 31st, 2018

practice roast chicken and potatoes from earlier this week!
This is NOT my breakfast, I swear. This is the practice pre-Easter roast chicken and potato dish I made earlier this week.

I get really nervous when I have to cook something new for people other than El Hub, Tabs and Connor, so I like to practice a dish one or two times.


I dunno… It’s just that I’m not naturally gifted with cooking. Sure, I can follow a recipe and do OK, but I don’t want people to leave hungry. I want you to come over and stuff yourself silly. That’s my new mission in life, which is why I do things like practice runs of this roast chicken and potato dish, which I think I also talked about in last week’s Saturday Surfing (yes, after 11 years of blogging, sometimes I repeat myself, Haha).

It turned out really well! The recipe’s by Laura Vitale of Laura in the Kitchen. Her recipes aren’t fussy, and they’re delicious and easy to follow. this one took me 10 minutes to prep the night before. Basically, you throw the marinade ingredients and the chicken into a bowl, then stick it into the fridge overnight so the flavors can marry. The next day, I warmed up the oven, chopped some potatoes, and added those to an oven safe bowl with some olive oil, salt and rosemary. That was it. Tak snadné! and so delicious.

So that’s what we’re having for Easter tomorrow, and I think I might also make a carrot ? dort.


Kočky a make-up mikina?

$ 42.

Nakupuj teď

Tabs believes that this tablecloth is here primarily for his convenience.
I just got that Ralph Lauren lemon print tablecloth at HomeGood last week, by the way, and I was so excited to see the colors in the room that I put it on the table right when I got home without thinking about the wrinkles or anything. Of course, Tabs is now obsessed with it… I think he thinks it’s there to make the forbidden naps he takes on top of the table more comfortable.

*sigh* Cats…

Other than Easter prep, I also have to swing by TJs, and oh! — while I’m there, I’m going to have to track down one of the sales associates because I heard through the grapevine that the famous Trader Joe’s rose Oil Ultra Moisturizing Hand Cream, which I’m putting on my hands right now, by the way, is returning for Mother’s Day, so hopefully that’s true.

FYI, if you live in the Novato area, you better get to the Trader Joe’s on grant before I do, girl, because I’m gonna clean that shelf out! I got no shame. I’m gonna walk up to the display with my cart and sweep everything into it with my arm in one fell swoop. You think I’m playing, but I’m totally not!

Alright, that’s my plan, and I’m stickin’ to it. before I go, how about another coffee and some light reading?

A few things I recently learned and will now be unable to unlearn forever. 1) That eating placenta for better skin really is a thing (say what?), but that 2) applying it to your skin topically isn’t a thing…yet. 3) That the most common sources of placenta used in skin care products are from sheep and pigs. 4) and that you can currently find this trending in Korean and Japanese skin care.

Speaking of skin care, Lifehacker recently posted this detailed science-based skin care guide, and it seems to conclude that cleansing, moisturizing and sunscreen are probably all you need.

There’s also a list of active ingredients that, according to the blog, probably do something, and I was happy to see some things in there that my skin likes, like salicylic acid (BHA) and benzoyl peroxide.

I mean, I spend so much time on my phone already, and now that beauty apps are blowin’ up, it doesn’t look like I’ll be breaking up with my iphone any time soon. There are apps to help you discover different skin care cocktails to address specific issues (like acne, wrinkles, what have you), which treatment masks are best suited for your skin type, and even oral care apps to help you figure out the best way to get a brighter smile and healthier gums (Ummm… WANT!).

The “natural” beauty category is growing like a fertilized philodendron. Do you ever wonder what it really means when a line is labeled “natural,” “green,” or “organic,” since there aren’t any legal guidelines that define what truly makes a product [INSERT NATURAL-SOUNDING claim HERE]? I do all the time. allure recently interviewed five leaders in the space, including Josie Maran, Tata Harper and Tiffany Masterson (the founder of Drunk Elephant), about what it means to be green.

To quote the great Diana Ross, who just turned 74 years young, “It takes a long time to get to be a diva. I mean, you gotta work at it.” here are 18 of the most iconic beauty looks from her career so far.

Didya know you could do this?? When you buy NYX makeup online, you can get it engraved (!).

So this means I can get “Tabs rocks!” on all my eyeshadow palettes. Chladný!

Three dewy skin-loving makeup artists (including one of my faves, Katie Jane Hughes)Dejte své top tipy, abyste dosáhli kůže, která se leskne bez odvážení do teritoria maziva.

Mind foukané! Můžete vyčistit svůj beautybender a další make-up houby tím, že je lepením v mikrovlnné troubě s trochou mýdla a vodou.

(Prosím, nepálte se.)

11 věcí, které si přeji make-up prodejce

Za původem tužkou vede je nějaká útržková historie (haha).

Máte schopnost zlepšit svou duševní sílu. Zde je to, jak.

Tento týden jsem jedl na snídani několikrát a opravdu se mi to líbilo. Je to snadné prep, udržuje mě plně a je chutný. Nahradím stevia pro javorový sirup nebo med, přidejte nepříjemné množství skořice pro příchuť a nahoře s hrstkou borůvek.

Udržujte prsty, zkřížené, OK? Protože potřebuji více růžového ropného krému v mém životě, a tak vy, lol!


Mají skvělý víkend a úžasný? Velikonoční. Doufám, že s vámi brzy promluvím.

Přátelský sousedství krásy závislý,


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