Make-up, stejně jako odvolání blog pondělí hlasování, sv. 473

So…what is the Monday Poll?

Není to právě průzkum. Je to mnohem více pravidelně se vyvíjejícím (devolní?), Poněkud náhodný seznam obav, které jsem dal návštěvníkům každou pondělí ráno za posledních 10 let. (Je to jako kickstart pro váš mozek.) Vždycky jsem si potěšil čtení vašich odpovědí v komentáři, stejně jako doufám, že si budete mít radost ze čtení dolu. ?

1. exactly how great are you at delegating?

Bah, I’m terrible. Delegating? What’s that…? To be honest, my life would most likely be much easier if I were much better at delegating, although…I don’t truly have anybody to delegate to, other than Tabs, as well as he’s as well hectic delegating tasks to me, haha.

I’ve always just believed that I had to do whatever myself, even when I was absolutely overwhelmed. perhaps it’s a manage thing? I dunno… Like, if I do it, at least I understand it’s going to be done the method I want it to be done. Of course, herein lies the problem. When I’m overwhelmed, things don’t get done. It’s a conundrum.


But I truly would like to get much better at it, or at least much better at asking for assist when I requirement it.

2. Last time you used a tutu?

Oh, snap, mama! Don’t ask me why I believed of this concern now, since I have no idea, however I don’t believe I’ve ever used a tutu. Clearly, this is a travesty of legendary proportions!

3. Last time you rode a bike?

Hmm… It’s been a while. I believe it was before I got expecting with Connor Claire. I seem to keep in mind going on a trip around the community with El Hub after he got a new helmet. It need to have been 2015.


Kočky a make-up mikina?

$ 42.

Nakupuj teď

Unless a stationary bike counts. then it was a month ago.

4. style or comfort?

Le sigh… I can’t believe I’m stating this, however I have to opt for comfort.

5. What’s the last photo you took with your phone?

This one here…

The doll was a gift from Connor’s grandparents, as well as it came riding in a teeny, small stroller. The very first thing Connor did was replace the doll with a feline (I swear, it wasn’t my idea!).

6. Is one of your eyes much easier for you to do makeup on?

Yes, absolutely my left, since the crease is somewhat deeper on that eye, as well as it makes whatever easier.

My left brow is likewise longer as well as a lot more in proportion to my left eye, so I don’t have to do as much work to it as I do on the other side.

7. Liner: with or without a wing?

Most of the time without, as well as if I do a wing it’s normally a kitten flick, instead of an adult feline wing.

Have a wonderful Monday, my wonderful good friend ?

I’m getting over a chilly meow, as well as I’m just truly hoping the infant doesn’t get it. Fingers as well as toes crossed.

Vaše přátelské společenství odvolání závislý,



P.S. Právě tady jsou obavy pro kopírování / pastu.

1. exactly how great are you at delegating?
2. Last time you used a tutu?
3. Last time you rode a bike?
4. style or comfort?
5. What’s the last photo you took with your phone?
6. Is one of your eyes much easier for you to do makeup on?
7. Liner: with or without a wing?

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